As we head back to school, many high school juniors and seniors in the Las Vegas Valley will be taking standardized tests this Fall. Whether it’s the ACT, SAT or the PSAT that is administered at high schools in October, there are a number of test-taking strategies that can help students on test day. Below are just a few to keep in mind before the test:
1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep. Standardized tests typically take 3-4 hours of intense concentration. Make sure you are well rested to give yourself the best chance of being fully engaged during the entire test.
2. Eat a Healthy Breakfast. Eating breakfast improves energy levels and the ability to concentrate. Given that you may be at your test location for over 4 hours, both are crucial.
3. Bring Water and a Full-Zip Sweatshirt with you to the Test Site. It’s important to stay hydrated and comfortable. The test location where you take the test might be hot or cold and may even alternate between the two, so a full-zip sweatshirt allows you to quickly adjust to the temperature.
4. Get Familiar with the Test. Each standardized test has its own specific subjects and timing and directions. Save time during the test by reading the directions multiple times and learning the number of questions and time allotted to each subject ahead of time.
5. Read the Passages and Questions Carefully. If you misread a passage or question, you have a much lower likelihood of answering correctly, so make sure to read carefully.
6. Budget your Time. Hopefully you are familiar with the number of questions and time allotted for each subject before the test starts. Make sure to keep track of both the time and questions you have remaining (it is a good idea to bring your own watch), so you don’t have to rush at the end of the section.
From all of us at LVSIH, good luck to everyone taking standardized tests this Fall!