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The Covid-19 pandemic has provided a rather uninteresting summer for students, seeing as
limitations regarding social distancing still prevent teenagers from doing the same activities as before. Internships and volunteer opportunities are more difficult for high school students to find. As a result, high school students who want to demonstrate their passion for a subject outside of school have found it increasingly difficult to do so. However, there are still many ways for students to cure boredom, stay productive and motivated, and cultivate their passions this summer. If a student is interested in learning a new subject from top scholars or has a passion for a specific field, edX Online Courses are an excellent resource for enhancing their learning.
edX Partners and Members:
The courses on edX are provided by partnered universities - notably Harvard, Rice, University of Washington, Brown University, and UC Berkeley - and other partnered members of edX Inc. Because edX Online Courses are available to virtually everyone, any student has the opportunity to learn from an expert professor/scholar in a particular field.
For a more comprehensive breakdown of edX’s partners, and members visit
Courses, Credit, Pacing, and Pricing:
The edX website offers courses in Biology, Philanthropy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Law,
Business, and even Architecture. Just one quick look at the filter search feature or reveals a large abundance of new learning opportunities.
Every course has an information tab to the right of its description.
For example, here is HarvardX's Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical
Properties of the Neuron:
Each course varies in pace and difficulty. However, because each course is self-paced and taught by a university expert, a student can complete it in a shorter amount of time over the summer than during a regular school year.
Every course is available for free, which is beneficial for students desiring to self-study for AP Exams.
However, if a student wants to earn college credit or place the completion of these courses on their CV, or Resume, they may need to pay anywhere between $40 to $200 for a certificate of completion. The price usually correlates to course difficulty and length.
To conclude, edX Online Courses are a wonderful resource that should be utilized by more
passionate students this summer!
Trademark Notice: edX is a Registered Trademark and/or owned by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University (edX Inc.), which was not involved in the production of, & does not endorse this product.